Any claim for damage or shortage must be presented to the factory in writing within 15 days after date of delivery of shipment. All damages must be reported immediately, preferably on the delivery manifest, to the carrier so that we may file a claim on your behalf.
One destination is included in the product price, FOB our factory in Ohio with insurance added. Shipping instructions and changes must be in writing and recieved at least 24 hours prior to shipment. Shipments are made via FedEx, UPS or LTL common carrier and the factory determines the best way unless specified in writing. A $3.00 (G) per box packing and handling charge applies. Foreign shipments made via one of our standard carriers are offered and will incur a $30.00 (G) export documentation charge. Shipment via the USPS will incur a $15.00 (G) extra handling charge. Please provide all information necessary for export documentation preparation. Duty and/or taxes are the recipient's responsibility.
$4.00 (G) each plus cost of the mailer and freight/postage. A digital copy of the addresses must be supplied in an acceptable .xls file with the proper columns and data included. Please contact the factory for needed data specification.
We do not create bar codes or QR codes. Those will have to be supplied to us as a graphic file in B&W and not less than 300 dpi. You can supply us with preprinted labels for us to attach or provide us with a “ready to print” file and the label size needed. Many customers will have size and positioning requirements as well, so please check with your client and let us know all the details.
C/S labels attached: $.26 (G) per label; with a minimum charge $25.00 (G)
SDI printed labels: $.46 (G) per label: with a minimum charge of $45.00 (G)
C/S labels attached: $.26 (G) per label; with a minimum charge $25.00 (G)
SDI printed labels: $.80 (G) per label: with a minimum charge of $75.00 (G)
$20.00 (G) charge per pallet will apply to help cover the costs of the skid, strechwrap, rain cover, banding and loading.
If a client wants to arrange a freight shipment on their account, you must do all of the following:
Provide a credit card to cover any charge back or accessory charges.
Provide the bill of lading, fully completed, to us via e-mail
Provide the appropriate number of shipping labels (2 per skid) to us via e-mail
Provide us with the approx. date and pick up time for the carrier to us via e-mail
rush service is available upon request with factory approval. If your product is needed in less than the stated production time per item, an additional rush service charge of 20% of the cost of the product will be added. Depending on the product, number of working days available, current production load and product requirements will determine the additional charge. The minimum rush charge is $70.00 (G).
total quantity shipped at one time - $20.00 (G) per added destination; quantity shipped at different times - $30.00 (G) per subsequent shipment. Total quantity will be invoiced at the time of first shipment. All shipments must occur within 1 year of the first shipment.
UPS shipper accounts can be used for shipment with a $10.00 (G) service fee per shipment. Federal Express shipper accounts will also be accepted for shipment with a $10.00 (G) service fee per shipment. A credit card must be provided to cover any charge backs or accessory charges.